Why interface

What is an Interface?

In software generally, an interface is a description of the capabilities provided by a unit of code. In object-oriented languages like Python, interfaces are often defined by lists of method signatures which must be provided by a class.

In interface, an interface is a subclass of interface.Interface that defines a list of methods with empty bodies. For example, the interface definition for a simple Key-Value Store might look like this:

class KeyValueStore(interface.Interface):

    def get(self, key):

    def set(self, key, value):

Why Are Interfaces Useful?

Interfaces are useful for specifying the contract between two units of code. By marking that a type implements an interface, we give a programatically-verifiable guarantee that the implementation provides the methods specified by the interface signature. That guarantee makes it easier to write code that can work with any implementation of an interface, and it also serves as a form of documentation.